Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Weight

Losing 25 pounds in three weeks(ish) is revelatory.  I know I'll probably gain a fair amount of it back, but I now weigh 199 pounds, a size I haven't been since 1987, the year I got out of the army.  I started the diet in part to support my wife who was doing it too, but mostly because I needed a change.  For the last few weeks and change, I haven't had a drink, haven't eaten very much and haven't gone out at all.  The difference is remarkable.
When you get to be a certain age, say 44, you start to believe that the changes you notice in your life, physically, mentally are mostly due to age, and they probably are.  But many of the small issues that were cropping up in my life, occasional high blood pressure, lethargy, gut, have gone away with the weight.  I'm not a new man, haven't turned a corner, will not be pulling a dingy full of people from Alcatraz to the San Franciscon shore anytime soon, but I do feel better, more alive, happier.
Now, I know that this won't last, that I will probably revert to being the fatter, happier, drunker me soon.  In the meantime, I can't recognize the man in the mirror, but he looks good.

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I exercise 4-5 mornings a week. It doesn't take long of not doing it to notice the difference.
