There's a fight in heaven tonight over who gets in first, if at all--A CEO of a gadet company or an NFL Owner. One a tyrannical, son-of-a-bitch who ran his company like a concentration camp and screwed over every partner he ever had, and the other Al Davis. Yeah, I said it. Steve Jobs was an asshole.
The endless ass kissing that has followed Jobs' death is enough to make me want to buy a Zune, if i could find one. And isn't that the point? I could find a Zune, but Apple's product is so dominant that it wouldn't be worth the money. The company that Jobs designed is the biggest monopoly in corporate history, which is admittedly not Jobs fault so much as it is proof of his genius. So why hate the guy? It's the comparisons to Henry Ford that I have the biggest issue with. Ford knew what planned obsolescence was, but he didn't push it to the ridiculous heights that Jobs did. The endless need to own the latest Apple, made in China, piece of shit is the issue. Every fucking time a new Apple product comes out you know it will be replaced in a year. You know that the company making it has more cash on hand than the U.S. government and you know that people in shit hole factories in China are being exploited to make the product, which, I readily admit, is amazing. It's not that Jobs wasn't a genius, or that his product is inferior, it's that he didn't have a heart. He didn't give his money away, as Bill Gates is busy doing. He was hard on his employees and he cared more about the bottom line than is decent. Yes, his inventions have changed the world, but so has his corporate model, which will be imitated to our detriment as a nation and as a planet. I want to champion the guy who invents some shit that will last a decade and was made in America. Yeah, I know that nobody makes anything in our country, which might be why we are nearly dead. It is time to start asking more of our geniuses, of ourselves. How much cooler would Jobs' legacy be if he had been just a little more conscientious, like Al Davis?
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