That my last blog post, no that anyone noticed, was 4 months ago should serve as some indication as to how my year is going. I haven't wanted to write, and nobody would have wanted to read the whiny, venomous diatribes I would have shit out. Yeah, it's been that kind of year. My union duties have become increasingly demanding while my growing understanding that I will not benefit personally, or professionally from pissing my employer and the parents of my community off gets bigger every day--so it goes.
I would have done the bargaining team anyway, even if I had known what I now do. You are either the person who refuses to eat another mouthful of shit, or you're not. Don't get me wrong; I'm no hero. I have eaten mountains of shit at my current job and mountain ranges of shit in my life, but you reach a certain age, say 44 for argument's sake, and you decide that's it, no more. I've lost my taste for pleasing people, making everyone happy, making everyone like me, and it's all coming out a bit too fast and furious at times. I need a change, a reset of my attitude towards job, wife, kids (oh man), it all, which is why I decided to head to Las Vegas with my schools robotics club as a chaperon for my Spring Break.
If you know me, the word "chaperon" surely troubles you. Fear not, I can keep it together. This is the anti-Fear and Loathing trip. I'll have the nerdiest kids on our campus, staying at the lovely Circus Circus, and I'll make a short documentary about their tournament. In many ways, I'm the perfect guy for the job as I have never been a fan of Vegas anyway. I love all the shit that happens in Vegas, but I don't want it to be sanctioned. I prefer going to places where walking down the street, piss drunk and naked at 2 in the morning is a crime. That makes me feel like a rebel, like I flaunt the authority. Doing it in Vegas is a fucking chore. Everyone who goes to Vegas feels compelled, even obliged to get epically stupid, take "e" and dry hump Mike Tyson's tiger. Not me man, I like to watch and that's just what I'll do this week.